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Insert Images into an RTF control using GDIPlusX
The RichText control that ships with VFP is very useful for providing a formatted text edit box. While this control does support the displaying of images, there is nothing built in to the control that allows you to insert an image. I have included a function below that will allow you insert an image into the RichText control at the current cursor position.
Just specify the object reference to the RTF control and the fullpath of the image you want to insert. The image can be in any format supported by the GDIPlus library (BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, EMF, PNG, etc...). You can also optionally specify the Width and Height you would like the image to be rendered.
This function requires the GDIPlusX library which can be downloaded from the VFPX
GDIPlusX project at Github.

*********************************************************** * Function: InsertRTFImage * Author: Bo Durban * * Inserts an image into an RTF control at the current cusor position * * Parameters: * toRTF - specifies an object reference to the RTF control * tcImage - secifies the image to insert into the RTF * tnWidth - Optional - Specifies the width to use for the image * tnHeight - Optional - Specifies the height to use for the image *********************************************************** FUNCTION InsertRTFImage(toRTF, tcImage, tnWidth, tnHeight) LOCAL lcRTF, lcPict, lqData LOCAL loImg AS xfcImage LOCAL loGfx AS xfcGraphics LOCAL loEMF AS xfcMetaFile LOCAL lhDC, lhEMF, lnWMFLen DECLARE Long GetDC IN WIN32API Long DECLARE Long ReleaseDC IN WIN32API Long, Long DECLARE Long DeleteEnhMetaFile IN WIN32API Long DECLARE Long GdipEmfToWmfBits IN GDIPLUS.DLL ; Long hemf, Long cbData16, String @pData16, ; Integer iMapMode, Integer eFlags ** Make sure we have initialized the GDIPlusX library ** DO System.App lcPict = "" WITH _SCREEN.System.Drawing loImg = .Image.FromFile(tcImage) IF loImg.GetLastStatus() <> 0 ERROR "Could not open file: "+tcImage ELSE ** If we didn't specify a width, use the image's width and height IF EMPTY(tnWidth) tnWidth = loImg.Width tnHeight = loImg.Height ENDIF ** Get the default screen HDC as a reference lhDC = GetDC(0) ** Create a new metafile loEMF = .Imaging.MetaFile.New(lhDC, ; .Rectangle.New(0,0,tnWidth,tnHeight), ; .Imaging.MetafileFrameUnit.Pixel, ; .Imaging.MetafileType.Emf) ** We are done with the HDC reference, release it ReleaseDC(lhDC, 0) ** Get a graphics context for the metafile so we can draw to it loGfx = .Graphics.FromImage(loEMF) loGFX.SmoothingMode = .Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality loGFX.InterpolationMode = .Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic ** Draw the image loGfx.DrawImage(loImg, 0, 0, tnWidth, tnHeight) loGfx = NULL ** Convert the Metafile to a "Windows Metafile". ** This is the best format for the RTF control. lhEMF = loEMF.GetHenhmetafile() lnWMFLen = GdipEmfToWmfBits(lhEMF, 0, NULL, 2, 0) lqData = REPLICATE(0h00,lnWMFLen) GdipEmfToWmfBits(lhEMF, lnWMFLen, @lqData, 2, 0) DeleteEnhMetaFile(lhemf) loImg = NULL ** This is the RTF tags for the image lcPict = [{\pict\wmetafile8]+; [\picwgoal]+ALLTRIM(STR(tnWidth*15))+; [\pichgoal]+ALLTRIM(STR(tnHeight*15))+; CHR(13)+CHR(10)+; STRCONV(lqData, 15)+; CHR(13)+CHR(10)+[}] ENDIF ENDWITH ** Stuff the image into the RTF control toRTF.SelRTF = [{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\uc1 ]+lcPict+[}] RETURN ENDFUNC
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