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Display the Print Dialog Using PrintDlgEx
As I mentioned in my post from 9/29/2008, Microsoft removed the Printer button from the "Page Setup" dialog in Vista. It was reccommneded to use the "Print" dialog to change printer preferences. However, the "Print" dialog option is not always available on the menu, and there is no simple call to activate the dialog.
In my post from 9/29, I provided code for displaying the DocumentProperties dialog. This populates a DEVMODE structure from the Advanced Properties dialog for a specific printer. In today's post, I provide sample code for displaying the Print dialog using the PrintDlgEx API function. This is the dialog Microsoft recommendeds for setting printer options in Vista. This dialog populates a DEVMODE structure also, however, it includes the ability to select a printer and specify a print range too.
Paste this code into a PRG and run it. It will display user chosen options to the screen.
While this dialog is meant to replace missing functionality from SYS(1037) in Vista, this sample does not update your user preferences. You will need to update those based on the user action (see "Action" in the code below).
Note that the PrintDlgEx API function works with Windows 2000 and later.
** Converted from: ** AUTHOR: BO DURBAN** #Define SIZEOF_PRINTDLGEX 84 #Define SIZEOF_PRINTPAGERANGE 8 ** nFlag options #Define PD_ALLPAGES 0x00000000 #Define PD_SELECTION 0x00000001 #Define PD_PAGENUMS 0x00000002 #Define PD_NOSELECTION 0x00000004 #Define PD_NOPAGENUMS 0x00000008 #Define PD_COLLATE 0x00000010 #Define PD_PRINTTOFILE 0x00000020 #Define PD_PRINTSETUP 0x00000040 #Define PD_NOWARNING 0x00000080 #Define PD_RETURNDC 0x00000100 #Define PD_RETURNIC 0x00000200 #Define PD_RETURNDEFAULT 0x00000400 #Define PD_SHOWHELP 0x00000800 #Define PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES 0x00040000 #Define PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE 0x00040000 #Define PD_DISABLEPRINTTOFILE 0x00080000 #Define PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE 0x00100000 #Define PD_NONETWORKBUTTON 0x00200000 #Define PD_CURRENTPAGE 0x00400000 #Define PD_NOCURRENTPAGE 0x00800000 #Define START_PAGE_GENERAL Bitlshift(0xffffffff,0) #Define GMEM_FIXED 0x00 #Define GMEM_ZEROINIT 0x40 #Define GPTR (GMEM_FIXED+GMEM_ZEROINIT) #Define DM_OUT_BUFFER 2 #Define DM_IN_PROMPT 4 #Define CCHDEVICENAME 32 #Define CCHFORMNAME 32 #Define PD_RESULT_CANCEL 0 #Define PD_RESULT_PRINT 1 #Define PD_RESULT_APPLY 2 Declare Long GlobalAlloc In WIN32API Long uFlags, Long uBytes Declare Long GlobalLock In WIN32API Long Hmem Declare Long GlobalUnlock In WIN32API Long Hmem Declare Long GlobalFree In WIN32API Long Hmem Declare Integer PrintDlg In comdlg32.Dll Long lppd Declare Integer PrintDlgEx In comdlg32.Dll Long lppd Declare Long DeleteDC In WIN32API Long hdc Local hPRINTDLG, hPageRanges, hdc, hResult, nFlagsm, hResult Local hGDevMode, hGDevNames, nPageRange, hPageRange, lnAction Local lcDeviceName, lcFormName, hDevMode, hDevNames ** Allocate memory for the PRINTDLGEX structure hPRINTDLG = GlobalAlloc(GPTR,SIZEOF_PRINTDLGEX) ** Allocate memory for 10x PRINTPAGERANGE structures hPageRanges = GlobalAlloc(GPTR,SIZEOF_PRINTPAGERANGE*10) hdc = 0 hResult = 0 ** Initialize the PRINTPAGERANGE structure nFlags = Bitor(PD_RETURNDC,PD_ALLPAGES) Sys(2600,hPageRanges,8,BinToC(1,"4rs")+BinToC(1,"4rs")) ** Initialize the PRINTDLGEX structure Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+ 0,4,BinToC(SIZEOF_PRINTDLGEX,"4rs")) && lStructSize Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+ 4,4,BinToC(_vfp.HWnd,"4rs")) && hwndOwner Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+20,4,BinToC(nFlags,"4rs")) && Flags Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+32,4,BinToC(0,"4rs")) && nPageRanges Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+36,4,BinToC(10,"4rs")) && nMaxPageRanges Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+40,4,BinToC(hPageRanges,"4rs")) && lpPageRanges Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+44,4,BinToC(1,"4rs")) && nMinPage Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+48,4,BinToC(1000,"4rs")) && nMaxPage Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+52,4,BinToC(1,"4rs")) && nCopies Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+76,4,BinToC(START_PAGE_GENERAL,"4rs")) && nStartPage ** Display the Print dialog hResult = PrintDlgEx(hPRINTDLG) ** Pull updated values from PRINTDLGEX structure hGDevMode = CToBin(Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+8,4),"4rs") hGDevNames = CToBin(Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+12,4),"4rs") hdc = CToBin(Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+16,4),"4rs") nFlags = CToBin(Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+20,4),"4rs") lnAction = CToBin(Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+80,4),"4rs") If hResult = 0 ** Lock movable memory hDevMode = GlobalLock(hGDevMode) hDevNames = GlobalLock(hGDevNames) ** Display Action taken by user Do Case Case lnAction = PD_RESULT_CANCEL ?"Action: CANCEL" Case lnAction = PD_RESULT_PRINT ?"Action: PRINT" Case lnAction = PD_RESULT_APPLY ?"Action: APPLY" Endcase ** Display print range selection Do Case Case lnAction != PD_RESULT_PRINT ** No Printing Case Bitand(nFlags,PD_SELECTION)=PD_SELECTION ?" Selection" Case Bitand(nFlags,PD_CURRENTPAGE)=PD_CURRENTPAGE ?" Current Page" Case Bitand(nFlags,PD_PAGENUMS)=PD_PAGENUMS ?" Page Ranges" nPageRanges = CToBin(Sys(2600,hPRINTDLG+32,4),"4rs") For nPageRange = 0 To nPageRanges-1 hPageRange = hPageRanges+(nPageRange*SIZEOF_PRINTPAGERANGE) nFrom = CToBin(Sys(2600,hPageRange,4),"4rs") nTo = CToBin(Sys(2600,hPageRange+4,4),"4rs") ?" From: "+Transform(nFrom)+" To: "+Transform(nTo) Endfor Otherwise ?" All Pages" Endcase ** Display the DEVMODE structure, showing printing preferences If hDevMode <> 0 ?"DEVMODE:" ** DEVMODE: lcDeviceName = Sys(2600,hDevMode+0,CCHDEVICENAME) lcDeviceName = " "+Left(lcDeviceName, At(0h00,lcDeviceName)-1) ?" Device Name: ", lcDeviceName ?" Orientation: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+44,2),"2rs") ?" Paper Size: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+46,2),"2rs") ?" Paper Length: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+48,2),"2rs") ?" Paper Width: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+50,2),"2rs") ?" Paper Scale: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+52,2),"2rs") ?" Paper Copies: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+54,2),"2rs") ?" Default Source: ",CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+56,2),"2rs") ?" Print Qualilty: ",CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+58,2),"2rs") ?" Color: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+60,2),"2rs") ?" Duplex: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+62,2),"2rs") ?" Y Resolution: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+64,2),"2rs") ?" TT Option: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+66,2),"2rs") ?" Collate: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+68,2),"2rs") lcFormName = Sys(2600,hDevMode+70,CCHFORMNAME) lcFormName = " "+Left(lcFormName, At(0h00,lcFormName)-1) ?" Form Name: ", lcFormName ?" LogPixels: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+102,2),"2rs") ?" BitsPerPixel: ", CToBin(Sys(2600,hDevMode+104,2),"2rs") ? Endif ** Unlock movable memory GlobalUnlock(hGDevMode) GlobalUnlock(hGDevNames) Else ?"ERROR: "+Transform(hResult,"@0") Endif ** Clean up allocated memory If hGDevMode <> 0 GlobalFree(hGDevMode) Endif If hGDevNames <> 0 GlobalFree(hGDevNames) Endif GlobalFree(hPageRanges) GlobalFree(hPRINTDLG) If hdc <> 0 DeleteDC(hdc) Endif Return
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