The parameters and usage is exactly the same as the VFP original PUTFILE function:
FUNCTION XPUTFILE(tcCustomText, tcFileName, tcFileExt) * Usage: * ? PUTFILE("Save file as...", "MyFile.PDF", "PDF;TXT;*") #DEFINE COMMDLOG_DEFAULT_FLAG 0x00080000 #DEFINE COMMDLOG_RO 4 #DEFINE COMMDLOG_MULTFILES 512 LOCAL lcSetDefa m.lcSetDefa = SET("Default") + CURDIR() LOCAL loDlgForm AS "Form" m.loDlgForm = CREATEOBJECT("Form") m.loDlgForm.ADDOBJECT("oleObject1", "oleComDialObject") LOCAL loDlg m.loDlg = m.loDlgForm.OleObject1 LOCAL lcFilter, lcFileExt, lnExtCount, n IF NOT EMPTY(tcFileExt) lnExtCount = GETWORDCOUNT(m.tcFileExt, ";") lcFilter = "" FOR n = 1 TO lnExtCount lcFileExt = GETWORDNUM(m.tcFileExt, n, ";") IF lcFileExt = "*" lcFilter = lcFilter + "All files|*.*" ELSE lcFilter = lcFilter + lcFileExt + " files|*." + lcFileExt && EVL(tcFileExt, "All files|*.*") ENDIF IF n < lnExtCount lcFilter = lcFilter + "|" ENDIF ENDFOR ELSE lcFilter = "*.*|*.*" && EVL(tcFileExt, "All files|*.*") ENDIF m.loDlg.FILTER = lcFilter m.loDlg.FileName = EVL(m.tcFileName, "") m.loDlg.DialogTitle = EVL(m.tcCustomText, "Save file as...") m.loDlg.FLAGS = COMMDLOG_RO + COMMDLOG_DEFAULT_FLAG m.loDlg.MaxFileSize = 256 LOCAL lnResult AS INTEGER, lcFileName * lnResult = loDlg.ShowOpen() m.lnResult = m.loDlg.ShowSave() * Restore the original directory SET DEFAULT TO (m.lcSetDefa) IF EMPTY(m.loDlg.FileTitle) && Clicked 'Cancel' m.lcFileName = "" ELSE m.lcFileName = m.loDlg.FileName ENDIF m.loDlgForm = NULL RETURN m.lcFileName DEFINE CLASS oleComDialObject AS OLECONTROL OLECLASS ="MSComDlg.CommonDialog.1" ENDDEFINE
Hi, friends.
ReplyDeleteI am receiving the error message
OLE error code: 0x800401f3: Cadena clase no válida.
(String class invalid) in the line
m.loDlgForm.ADDOBJECT("oleObject1", "oleComDialObject")
I am receiving this error repetitively in Win10 with every one of the Common Controls.
I think to remember that this is resolved not using PRG-text-based forms, but do using SCX-binary-based forms, but you use PRG-based forms here.
I would like to know how to resolve this, and I am asking to you.
Thanks for sharing.