This is one of my preferred codes from my colleague from the brazilian forum , Gelson L. Bremm, from Florianopolis - Brazil, who gave me the authorization to publish here. I think it's really worth to share with the rest of the community.


*!* IMAGECAPTURE.PRG *!* Author : Gelson L. Bremm (Florianopolis - Brazil) *!* Description : Captures portions of image PUBLIC oCapturaImg oCapturaImg = CREATEOBJECT("ImageCapture") oCapturaImg.Show() DEFINE CLASS ImageCapture AS Form Height = 147 Width = 115 Desktop = .T. ShowWindow = 2 DoCreate = .T. ShowTips = .T. AutoCenter = .T. Caption = "Capture" HalfHeightCaption = .T. MaxButton = .F. MinButton = .F. MinHeight = 80 AlwaysOnTop = .T. Name = "CAPTURE" ADD OBJECT Command1 AS myCmdButton PROCEDURE Init WITH THIS .DeclareFunctions() .Resize() ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE SetTransparent LOCAL lnControlBottom, lnControlRight, lnControlLeft, lnControlTop, lnBorderWidth, ; lnTitleHeight, lnFormHeight, lnFormWidth, lnInnerRgn, lnOuterRgn, lnCombinedRgn, ; lnControlRgn, lnControl, lnRgnDiff, lnRgnOr, llTrue lnRgnDiff = 4 lnRgnOr = 2 llTrue = -1 WITH THIS lnBorderWidth = SYSMETRIC(3) lnTitleHeight = SYSMETRIC(9)-SYSMETRIC(4) lnFormWidth = .Width + (lnBorderWidth * 2) lnFormHeight = .Height + lnTitleHeight + lnBorderWidth lnOuterRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, lnFormWidth, lnFormHeight) lnInnerRgn = CreateRectRgn(lnBorderWidth, lnTitleHeight, ; lnFormWidth - lnBorderWidth, lnFormHeight - lnBorderWidth) lnCombinedRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0) CombineRgn(lnCombinedRgn, lnOuterRgn, lnInnerRgn, lnRgnDiff) FOR EACH Control in .Controls lnControlLeft = Control.Left + lnBorderWidth lnControlTop = Control.Top + lnTitleHeight lnControlRight = Control.Width + lnControlLeft lnControlBottom = Control.Height + lnControlTop lnControlRgn = CreateRectRgn(lnControlLeft, lnControlTop, lnControlRight, lnControlBottom) CombineRgn(lnCombinedRgn, lnCombinedRgn, lnControlRgn, lnRgnOr) ENDFOR SetWindowRgn(.HWnd , lnCombinedRgn, llTrue) ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE num2dword LPARAMETERS lnValue #DEFINE m0 256 #DEFINE m1 65536 #DEFINE m2 16777216 LOCAL b0, b1, b2, b3 b3 = INT(lnValue/m2) b2 = INT((lnValue - b3*m2)/m1) b1 = INT((lnValue - b3*m2 - b2*m1)/m0) b0 = MOD(lnValue, m0) RETURN(CHR(b0)+CHR(b1)+CHR(b2)+CHR(b3)) ENDPROC PROCEDURE declarefunctions DECLARE INTEGER CombineRgn in "gdi32" integer hDestRgn, integer hRgn1, integer hRgn2, integer nMode DECLARE INTEGER CreateRectRgn in "gdi32" integer X1, integer Y1, integer X2, integer Y2 DECLARE INTEGER SetWindowRgn in "user32" integer hwnd, integer hRgn, integer nRedraw DECLARE INTEGER SelectObject IN gdi32 integer hdc, integer hObject DECLARE INTEGER ReleaseDC IN user32 INTEGER hwnd, INTEGER hdc DECLARE INTEGER CreateCompatibleDC IN gdi32 INTEGER hdc DECLARE INTEGER DeleteObject IN gdi32 INTEGER hObject DECLARE INTEGER DeleteDC IN gdi32 INTEGER hdc DECLARE INTEGER CloseClipboard IN user32 DECLARE INTEGER GetFocus IN user32 DECLARE INTEGER EmptyClipboard IN user32 DECLARE INTEGER GetWindowDC IN user32 INTEGER hwnd DECLARE INTEGER OpenClipboard IN user32 INTEGER hwnd DECLARE INTEGER SetClipboardData IN user32 INTEGER wFormat, INTEGER hMem DECLARE INTEGER CreateCompatibleBitmap IN gdi32; INTEGER hdc, INTEGER nWidth, INTEGER nHeight DECLARE INTEGER BitBlt IN gdi32; INTEGER hDestDC, INTEGER x, INTEGER y,; INTEGER nWidth, INTEGER nHeight, INTEGER hSrcDC,; INTEGER xSrc, INTEGER ySrc, INTEGER dwRop DECLARE INTEGER GetActiveWindow IN user32 DECLARE INTEGER GetClipboardData IN user32 INTEGER uFormat DECLARE INTEGER GlobalAlloc IN kernel32 INTEGER wFlags, INTEGER dwBytes DECLARE INTEGER GlobalFree IN kernel32 INTEGER hMem DECLARE INTEGER GetObject IN gdi32 AS GetObjectA; INTEGER hgdiobj, INTEGER cbBuffer, STRING @lpvObject DECLARE INTEGER GetObjectType IN gdi32 INTEGER h DECLARE RtlZeroMemory IN kernel32 As ZeroMemory; INTEGER dest, INTEGER numBytes DECLARE INTEGER GetDIBits IN gdi32; INTEGER hdc, INTEGER hbmp, INTEGER uStartScan,; INTEGER cScanLines, INTEGER lpvBits, STRING @lpbi,; INTEGER uUsage DECLARE INTEGER CreateFile IN kernel32; STRING lpFileName, INTEGER dwDesiredAccess,; INTEGER dwShareMode, INTEGER lpSecurityAttr,; INTEGER dwCreationDisp, INTEGER dwFlagsAndAttrs,; INTEGER hTemplateFile DECLARE INTEGER CloseHandle IN kernel32 INTEGER hObject DECLARE Sleep IN kernel32 INTEGER dwMilliseconds ENDPROC PROCEDURE CopyToClipBoard WITH THIS .Caption = "Capturing" .Command1.Left = .Width+.Command1.Width .Cls() .SetTransparent() =Sleep(100) #DEFINE CF_BITMAP 2 #DEFINE SRCCOPY 13369376 lnLeft = SYSMETRIC(3) lnTop = SYSMETRIC(4)+(SYSMETRIC(20)-SYSMETRIC(11)) lnRight = 0 lnBottom = 0 lnWidth = .Width lnHeight = .Height-1 *hwnd = GetFocus() hdc = GetWindowDC(.HWnd) hVdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, lnWidth, lnHeight) = SelectObject(hVdc, hBitmap) = BitBlt(hVdc, 0, 0, lnWidth, lnHeight, hdc, lnLeft, lnTop, SRCCOPY) = OpenClipboard(.HWnd) = EmptyClipboard() = SetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP, hBitmap) = CloseClipboard() = DeleteObject(hBitmap) = DeleteDC(hVdc) = ReleaseDC(.HWnd, hdc) .Command1.Left = VAL(.Command1.Tag) .SetTransparent() .Caption = "Capture" ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE CopyToFile #DEFINE CF_BITMAP 2 #DEFINE SRCCOPY 13369376 #DEFINE OBJ_BITMAP 7 #DEFINE DIB_RGB_COLORS 0 #DEFINE BFHDR_SIZE 14 #DEFINE BHDR_SIZE 40 #DEFINE GENERIC_WRITE 1073741824 #DEFINE FILE_SHARE_WRITE 2 #DEFINE CREATE_ALWAYS 2 #DEFINE FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 128 #DEFINE INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE -1 #DEFINE BITMAP_STRU_SIZE 24 #DEFINE BI_RGB 0 #DEFINE RGBQUAD_SIZE 4 #DEFINE BHDR_SIZE 40 #DEFINE GMEM_FIXED 0 LOCAL cDefault, cNameFile, hClipBmp LOCAL pnWidth, pnHeight, pnBitsSize, pnRgbQuadSize, pnBytesPerScan LOCAL hFile, lnFileSize, lnOffBits, lcBFileHdr LOCAL lnBitsPerPixel, lcBIHdr, lcRgbQuad LOCAL lpBitsArray, lcBInfo LOCAL hdc, hMemDC, lcBuffer cDefault = FULLPATH(SYS(5)) cNameFile = GETPICT("BMP") SET DEFAULT TO (cDefault) IF EMPTY(cNameFile) RETURN ENDIF IF FILE(cNameFile) IF MESSAGEBOX("There is already a file named '"+PROPER(JUSTFNAME(cNameFile))+; "'"+CHR(13)+"Overwrite the existing file ?",36+256,"Confirm overwrite") = 7 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ERASE (cNameFile) WITH THIS .CopyToClipBoard() = OpenClipboard (0) hClipBmp = GetClipboardData (CF_BITMAP) = CloseClipboard() IF hClipBmp = 0 Or GetObjectType(hClipBmp) # OBJ_BITMAP =MESSAGEBOX("There is no image in the clipboard.",48,"Error creating file") RETURN ENDIF STORE 0 TO pnWidth, pnHeight, pnBytesPerScan, pnBitsSize, pnRgbQuadSize lcBuffer = REPLI(CHR(0), BITMAP_STRU_SIZE) IF GetObjectA (hClipBmp, BITMAP_STRU_SIZE, @lcBuffer) # 0 pnWidth = ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 5,1)) + ; ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 6,1)) * 256 +; ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 7,1)) * 65536 +; ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 8,1)) * 16777216 pnHeight = ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 9,1)) + ; ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 10,1)) * 256 +; ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 11,1)) * 65536 +; ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 12,1)) * 16777216 ENDIF lnBitsPerPixel = 24 pnBytesPerScan = INT((pnWidth * lnBitsPerPixel)/8) IF MOD(pnBytesPerScan, 4) # 0 pnBytesPerScan = pnBytesPerScan + 4 - MOD(pnBytesPerScan, 4) ENDIF lcBIHdr = .num2dword(BHDR_SIZE) + .num2dword(pnWidth) +; .num2dword(pnHeight) + (CHR(MOD(1,256))+CHR(INT(1/256))) + (CHR(MOD(lnBitsPerPixel,256))+; CHR(INT(lnBitsPerPixel/256))) + .num2dword(BI_RGB) + REPLI(CHR(0), 20) IF lnBitsPerPixel <= 8 pnRgbQuadSize = (2^lnBitsPerPixel) * RGBQUAD_SIZE lcRgbQuad = REPLI(CHR(0), pnRgbQuadSize) ELSE lcRgbQuad = "" ENDIF lcBInfo = lcBIHdr + lcRgbQuad pnBitsSize = pnHeight * pnBytesPerScan lpBitsArray = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED, pnBitsSize) = ZeroMemory (lpBitsArray, pnBitsSize) *hwnd = GetActiveWindow() hdc = GetWindowDC(.HWnd) hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc) = ReleaseDC (.HWnd, hdc) = GetDIBits (hMemDC, hClipBmp, 0, pnHeight, lpBitsArray, @lcBInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS) lnFileSize = BFHDR_SIZE + BHDR_SIZE + pnRgbQuadSize + pnBitsSize lnOffBits = BFHDR_SIZE + BHDR_SIZE + pnRgbQuadSize lcBFileHdr = "BM" + .num2dword(lnFileSize) + .num2dword(0) + .num2dword(lnOffBits) hFile = CreateFile(cNameFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0) IF hFile # INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE DECLARE INTEGER WriteFile IN kernel32; INTEGER hFile, STRING @lpBuffer, INTEGER nBt2Write,; INTEGER @lpBtWritten, INTEGER lpOverlapped = WriteFile (hFile, @lcBFileHdr, Len(lcBFileHdr), 0, 0) = WriteFile (hFile, @lcBInfo, Len(lcBInfo), 0, 0) DECLARE INTEGER WriteFile IN kernel32; INTEGER hFile, INTEGER lpBuffer, INTEGER nBt2Write,; INTEGER @lpBtWritten, INTEGER lpOverlapped = WriteFile (hFile, lpBitsArray, pnBitsSize, 0, 0) = CloseHandle (hFile) ELSE = MESSAGEBOX("Error creating file: " + cNameFile, "Internal Error") ENDIF = GlobalFree(lpBitsArray) = DeleteDC (hMemDC) = DeleteObject (hClipBmp) ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE Resize WITH THIS .Command1.Left = .Width-.Command1.Width .Command1.Top = .Height-.Command1.Height .Command1.Tag = ALLT(STR(.Command1.Left)) .SetTransparent() ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE Destroy oCapturaImg = .F. RELEASE oCapturaImg ENDPROC ENDDEFINE DEFINE CLASS myCmdButton AS Commandbutton Top = 126 Left = 97 Height = 21 Width = 18 FontName = "Webdings" Caption = "6" ToolTipText = "Options" Name = "Command1" PROCEDURE Click cOptMenu = "" DEFINE POPUP _menu_clip SHORTCUT RELATIVE FROM MROW(), MCOL() DEFINE BAR CNTBAR("_menu_clip")+1 OF _menu_clip PROMPT "Copy to Clipboard" ON SELECTION BAR CNTBAR("_menu_clip") OF _menu_clip cOptMenu = "CLIPBOARD" DEFINE BAR CNTBAR("_menu_clip")+1 OF _menu_clip PROMPT "Copy to file" ON SELECTION BAR CNTBAR("_menu_clip") OF _menu_clip cOptMenu = "FILE" ACTIVATE POPUP _menu_clip RELEASE POPUPS _menu_clip DO CASE CASE cOptMenu == "CLIPBOARD" THISFORM.CopyToClipBoard() CASE cOptMenu == "FILE" THISFORM.CopyToFile() ENDCASE ENDPROC ENDDEFINE
This is absolutely cool! Thanks for the great weblog information, I have really enjoyed reading, learning and implementing information from your weblogs.
ReplyDeleteSaya sungguh senang membaca Blog anda. Sungguh pelajaran berharga buat saya dan rekan - rekan Foxer.....
ReplyDeleteThx Brother.....u did great work
That is great, i believe that the visual foxpro can be used to implement some cool operations, not only the promise tool of management of the database!
ReplyDeleteVersión en Español de este artículo en / Spanish version at
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome!
ReplyDeleteI would like an even simpler version that captures the form to the clipboard. What do you suggest?
That's pretty simple with GdiPlusX.
LOCAL loBmp as xfcBitmap
loBmp = .Bitmap.FromScreen(Thisform)
Hi, I tried to use your code to develop a screen captering tool, but I have some problems.
ReplyDelete1./ When capturing 2 images, the second image is the same image as the first one.
2./ I managed to customize the form. Transaparency works fine, but the screen schots are always white!
I'm developing in VFP 9 on Win7
Please help...