VFP9 brought the possibility to save our reports as images, using the ReportListener class, and the OutputPage method:
loListener.OutputPage(lnPage, "\MyReportImage.PNG", 104) && PNG file type
This brings us some useful, but lousy images regarding quality. For instance, the Sample "COLORS.FRX" brings me a 816 x 1056 pixels image - a really poor quality image, if we are thinking of printing or manipulating it further.
But the "OutputPage" method also allows us to draw the report page at any desired image size, by passing a GDI+ Graphics handle instead of the file name widely used.
Here is the working sample - notice that the report engine works only with 96 DPI, so to have better quality, you need to save in bigger dimensions.
Use the function GETREPORTPAGEEX to get your higher resolution reports, here is the parameter list
- tcFile - The destination image file name
- toListener - The ReportListener associated with the current report
- tnPage - The report page number
- tnEncoder - 100=EMF, 101=TIFF, 102=JPEG, 103=GIF, 104=PNG, 105=BMP
- tnScale - the scale factor to be applied to the image. 1=Default (low quality), 10=Super high quality
- tnWidth - The output image width (optional, if using the "tnScale")
- tnHeight - The output image height (optional, if using "tnScale")
DO FoxyPreviewer.App LOCAL loListener AS REPORTLISTENER LOCAL lcFile, lnPage, lnFileType m.loListener = CREATEOBJECT("FoxyListener") m.loListener.LISTENERTYPE = 3 REPORT FORM (ADDBS(_Samples) + "Solution\Reports\Colors.FRX") OBJECT m.loListener m.lnFileType = 104 && PNG && 100 - EMF && 101 - TIFF && 102 - JPEG && 103 - GIF && 104 - PNG && 105 - BMP FOR m.lnPage = 1 TO m.loListener.PAGETOTAL m.lcFile = "c:\temp\Test__" + SYS(2015) + "__" + ALLTRIM(STR(m.lnPage)) + ".png" GetReportPageEx(m.lcFile, m.loListener, m.lnPage, m.lnFileType, 5) && 5 times bigger image than default * For the default lower quality image, use: * loListener.OutputPage(lnPage, "c:\Test" + ALLTRIM(STR(lnPage)) + ".png", lnFileType) ENDFOR m.loListener = NULL RETURN PROCEDURE GetReportPageEx(tcFile, toListener AS REPORTLISTENER, tnPage, tnEncoder, tnScale, tnWidth, tnHeight) LOCAL lhGfx *!* 100 - image type EMF *!* 101 - image type TIFF *!* 102 - image type JPEG *!* 103 - image type GIF *!* 104 - image type PNG *!* 105 - image type BMP m.tnEncoder = EVL(m.tnEncoder, 104) && Default = 104-PNG m.tnScale = EVL(m.tnScale, 1) IF EMPTY(m.tnWidth) m.tnWidth = m.toListener.GETPAGEWIDTH() / 10 * m.tnScale m.tnHeight = m.toListener.GETPAGEHEIGHT() / 10 * m.tnScale ENDIF #DEFINE Gdiplus_PixelFormat_32BppArgb 0x0026200a #DEFINE OUTPUTDEVICETYPE_GDIPLUS 1 LOCAL loBMP AS GpBitmap OF ADDBS(HOME()) + "/FFC/_GDIPLUS.VCX" m.loBMP = NEWOBJECT("GpBitmap", ADDBS(HOME()) + "/FFC/_GDIPLUS.VCX") m.loBMP.CREATE(m.tnWidth, m.tnHeight, Gdiplus_PixelFormat_32BppArgb) LOCAL loGfx AS GpGraphics OF ADDBS(HOME()) + "/FFC/_GDIPLUS.VCX" m.loGfx = NEWOBJECT('GpGraphics', ADDBS(HOME()) + "/FFC/_GDIPLUS.VCX") m.loGfx.CreateFromImage(m.loBMP) m.lhGfx = m.loGfx.GetHandle() m.toListener.OUTPUTPAGE(m.tnPage, m.lhGfx, OUTPUTDEVICETYPE_GDIPLUS, 0, 0, m.tnWidth, m.tnHeight, 0, 0, m.tnWidth, m.tnHeight) m.loBMP.SaveToFile(m.tcFile, "image/png") ENDPROC