
Convert BMP to ICO - Part 3

Below are 4 simple ways to convert a bmp to icon, using GdiplusX.

This sample uses 4 techniques, and creates 4 versions of icons from the same image file.
Before the conversion, it resizes the source image to the size of 16x16. That means that with this sample you can convert any image to ico file.

Important Requires VFP9 and GdiPlusX to run. 

do locfile("system.app")

with _screen.system.drawing as xfcdrawing * convert the original bitmap to ensure better quality and compatibility
   loresized = .bitmap.new(.bitmap.fromfile(getpict()), 16,16)

* create icon object
    local loicon as xfcicon
    loicon = .icon.fromhandle(loresized.gethicon())

*** low quality icons

* save sending filename

* save using stream
    local lostream as xfcmemorystream
    lostream = _screen.system.io.memorystream.new()

    strtofile(lostream.getbuffer(), "c:\icon_save_stream_lowqual.ico")

*** high quality icons
*** setting the tlquality flag to .t.

* save sending filename
    loicon.save("c:\icon_save_filename_highqual.ico", .t.)

* save using stream
    local lostream2 as xfcmemorystream
    lostream2 = _screen.system.io.memorystream.new()

    loicon.save(lostream2, .t.)
    strtofile(lostream2.getbuffer(), "c:\icon_save_stream_highqual.ico")
