rgb - original rgb value to convert
tnlevel - ranges from -100 to + 100. zero means no changes; +100 = white; -100 = black; positive values will return brighter images, while negative will bring darker.
lparameters tnRgb, tnLevel
if tnLevel = 0
return tnrgb
tnLevel = tnLevel / 100
local lnRed, lnGreen, lnBlue
lnRed = bitand(tnRgb, 0x000000ff)
lnGreen = bitrshift(bitand(tnRgb, 0x0000ff00), 8 )
lnBlue = bitrshift(bitand(tnRgb, 0x00ff0000), 16)
if tnLevel > 0
return rgb( ;
lnRed + ((255 - lnRed) * tnLevel) , ;
lnGreen + ((255 - lnGreen) * tnLevel) , ;
lnBlue + ((255 - lnBlue) * tnLevel) )
return rgb( ;
lnRed + (lnRed * tnLevel) , ;
lnGreen + (lnGreen * tnLevel) , ;
lnBlue + (lnBlue * tnLevel) )
To better understand how it works, you can download the attached file, that contains a simple example. Click on "select color" to pick a color then play with the spinner to see the darker and brighter resulting colors.