
FoxyPreviewer for non Latin Languages (v2.87)


This is specially for people who work FoxyPreviewer and with a different codepage from 1252 (Latin).
Just uploaded a new version, v2.87 with a fix for some fonts that were appearing strange, condensed, just like below.
Thanks to Ivo Indra and Max Arlikh (tests and screenshots) for their tests, now I know that this solved for Russian and Czech languages. Hopefully this fix will be applicable to other languages.

So, if you're from a non latin country, please update to the latest version, at least 2.87, and let me know how that goes.

The wrong output appears first, then the fixed and correct:

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  1. i want to add DSC ( digital signature Certificate ) in created PDF any one have any idea , do needful thx in advance
