
FoxyPreviewer latest changes in v2.99


I think I finally caught one of the most challenging bugs we had in FoxyPreviewer, that made the reports render only the data from the first field in some reports that used Private DataSessions, and some other specific settings.

I received complaints from 4 people in the last year, but nobody could give me any clue about what was going on, or to help me to reproduce the problem. I finally found a good soul, Flavio Cardoso, from the brazilian VFP user group, who had the same issue, and provided the needed information, and worked with me during some hours to solve this JUMBO issue.

So, please, test the latest version with care v2.99m or higher, and let me know how it goes!

Below, some information about the latest changes in FoxyPreviewer, in case you missed:

v2.99m - 2012-08-17

** VERY IMPORTANT FIX **In some cases, when using Private datasessions, depending on the environment settings
some reports rendered the data of the 1st field only. If you had this issue before, please test this release

Other fixes / improvements

Fix: FoxyPreviewer disabled form's close button - http://foxypreviewer.codeplex.com/workitem/9275
Fix: Rearranged the order of the buttons in the preview toolbar and context menu, in order to make the buttons to appear at the same order in both places, thanks to Mark Winston

New properties:
- “nThermFormWidth” – numeric, specifies the width of the Thermometer form. Useful when a big caption is needed. Works only if “.nThermType = 2 && Windows default”
- “lShowFileFormatIcons” - logical, allows hiding the file format icons in the context menus.

Cool information:
Mark Winston, brought to my knowledge that "sec(s) or secs" is not the correct abreviation for the word "seconds". After a small research, we found that just an "s" is the correct way to abreviate. I will not change the default behavior, because it's the way VFP originally used in the Thermometer form, that shows the report progress. If you want to change it, it's very easy, just try:

DO FoxyPreviewer.App
_Screen.oFoxyPreviewer._SecondsText = "s by Mark Winston"
REPORT FORM LOCFILE(_Samples + "\Solution\Reports\Wrapping.frx") PREVIEW

BTW, You can play changing these properties below as well, if you prefer:

? _Screen.oFoxyPreviewer._CancelinStrText
? _Screen.oFoxyPreviewer._AttentionText
? _Screen.oFoxyPreviewer._CancelQueryText
? _Screen.oFoxyPreviewer._InitStatusText
? _Screen.oFoxyPreviewer._PrepassStatusText
? _Screen.oFoxyPreviewer._SecondsText

v2.99c - 2012-08-08
- Fix in PDF listener, adjusting some constant values, in order to store metadata correctly.
http://foxypreviewer.codeplex.com/workitem/9434 - Thanks to Martin SYkora
- Fix in RTF Listener, now making the default language according to the codepage selected (originally was always forcing to Russian)
- Fix for issue: http://foxypreviewer.codeplex.com/workitem/9506
- New property: “cFaxPRG”, allowing sending faxes from FoxyPreviewer using your custom Faxing procedures. Notice that FOxyPreviewer does not bring any internal code to manage faxes. With this property, I'm just opening a "door" to allow you to receive some info from FoxyPreviewer and send your documents using your Faxing app.
To make Foxy show a "Send to fax" button in the email form, you need to fill the property “cFAXprg”, with the name of a PRG that will be responsible of sending the fax, for example:

_Screen.oFoxyPreviewer.cFaxPrg = “mySendFax.prg”

Then, your “MYSENDFAX.PRG” program MUST start with a LPARAMETERS statement, that will receive from FoxyPreviewer some needed parameters to send your fax:

LPARAMETERS tcFile, tcFaxNumber, tcHTMLBody, tcSubject* Where:
* tcFile = the file name that brings your report
* tcFaxNumber = the fax number that your client will fill in the email field
*               in the email form
* tcHTMLBody = the text that your client wrote in the email form
* tcSubject = the subject filled

v2.99 - 2012-06-20

- Included "lSilent" property in simplified mode
- Fix in PDF listener, allowing images embedded in the EXE to be shown in the exported files
- Fix in PDF and RTF listener, allowing merging reports using OBJECTTYPE 10 (Other types not available yet)
- Included new PRG: "FOXYGETIMAGE.PRG". Include this file in your EXE project if you have images embedded in your EXE that you want to appear in your report. This may bring some security issues to your EXE, because this program will allow FoxyPreviewer to access the embedded images of your EXE.
- Fixed Issue "Emailto, subject and file name settings do not update" http://foxypreviewer.codeplex.com/workitem/9362
- Fix in ExcelListener: to allow flexible Currency and ()'s for Negative - by Rick Bean
- Fix in Report exporting, when some objects were not respecting the original report position (front and back) http://foxypreviewer.codeplex.com/workitem/9276

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